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PearBulb recipe.

At PearBulb, we handle planning, composition, and script in full-order maid. PearBulb leverages four creative philosophies to create a story.

At PearBulb, the truth is drawn through four steps.

Mirror Reflection



Bird's Eye

1. Mirror Reflection

I can't make a story. You can only dig up the story in yourself using all kinds of techniques and polish it. Through interviews and interviews, we take in the emotions and thoughts of the person we want to convey into our body, project the figure, and objectively view it. Every story always comes from within me. I wouldn't trust it unless it was a reflection projected from my body.


Only then can the strength of depression be born.

2. Distillation

There is no particular meaning in the world, in other words, noise is scattered. No matter how deep a broken heart a person may have, he changes toilet paper and sneezes even though he hasn't caught a cold. No such detail is needed. It's noise. Distillation is the task of extracting only the innocent things that are really necessary for the story, giving top priority to the truth of the heart pattern.

3. Enlargement

Enlargement is the work of expanding and strengthening the truth of the innocent world extracted through Distillation. Enlargement is done from two main directions.

First, in the Semantic approach, we set the problem that becomes the endocarp of the story, and set the subdivided questions around it. Understand the narrator's position in the world and pursue the truth that can be seen by it.


The next Métier (technical) approach is a layered structure to reach a wide audience. Impressive symbolic metaphors that move the story forward. I will continue to.

4. Bird's Eye

The final Bird's Eye is compared to mastering in music production. This step adjusts the inevitability that arises from a holistic perspective, which you will never see if you look at each sentence, one cut, one cut. By refining the rhythm and composition of the entire work, you can give your audience a fresh and powerful message. Made in Japan and Europe.

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